About Us

About Kimatsu & Its Genesis

The Kimatsu range of appliances represents a perfect blend of innovative design and advanced technology. Our brand is dedicated to fostering enduring partnerships that lead to mutual success. The name Kimatsu signifies ‘duty first,’ and we embody this principle by being a reliable partner you can always depend on. Kimatsu, an Indian brand, proudly embraces its heritage in both name and core values. Derived from the Sanskrit words ‘Karma‘ and ‘Itsu,’ meaning ‘Duty First,’ this philosophy is the essence of our brand. Our mission is to ensure the success of our trade customers, supporting them throughout their journey, and to achieve the highest satisfaction levels for end users with our reliable products. Our mantra is to provide peace of mind to our consumers through innovative design and cutting-edge technology.

The logo mirrors the ethos of Kimatsu, which is teamwork, reliability and dependency. The three rings stand for three hands working together to create a dream product end to end.


To innovate and lead in the home appliances space by offering technologically superior designed solutions, and manufacture world-class, reliable, yet affordable products with complete focus on the unique needs of customers in the developing markets.


We understand the needs of developing markets and innovate solutions to address them, converting these solutions into reliable products designed for people around the globe. Our products are manufactured in world-class facilities, ensuring the highest standards of quality and reliability. We strive to be the brand of choice for our partners, working collaboratively to ensure their success.

Make in India

Make in India is a major national programme of the Government of India designed to facilitate investment, foster innovation, enhance skill development, protect intellectual property and build best-in-class manufacturing infrastructure in the country.